M&A strategy workshop
You are planning the sale of your IT company and would now like to set up a concrete project.
Then it makes sense to first of all understand the essential cornerstones of your M & A strategy.
With our M & A Strategy Workshop, we will bring your M & A project safely on the rails!
Especially if you have several shareholders, this workshop will help you to find common ground.

We work together with you to address the following questions:
- How can we shape our company sustainably for the future?
- What are our options for action and how can we evaluate them?
- How do we need to prepare for a company sale?
- What is a realistic asking price and what factors affect the valuation?
- How can we find a suitable strategic partner/investor?
- How do we proceed and what is the timetable likely to be?
1. Aim of workshop / participants’ expectations
2. Success factors in looking for IT investors
- Current challenges for IT SMEs
- Motivation to act from the perspective of investors and company owners
- Success factors in finding investors
3. Actual situation of your company
- Business model and business development
- Expectations of business shareholders
- Framework for company evaluation
- Areas of activity
4. Strategic options for action for your company
- Joint derivation and evaluation of scenarios
- Potential investor types and specific examples
5. Organizing the process of finding investors
- Procedural model for finding investors
- Project phases / tasks / responsibilities
- Milestones / timetable
- Initial rough timetable for your project
6. Next steps
- Day workshop
- On customer’s premises or at a neutral location
- Workshop price including preparation and follow-up: 1500 euros plus VAT
- If you contract match.IT to find for you an investor within the next six months, 50% of the price of the workshop will be deducted from your first project support invoice.
We are also happy to organize an M&A strategy workshop for investors who are planning and preparing to acquire an IT company.
Send us your application for an M&A strategy workshop and let us know a few possible date suggestions from your side.